What They Don&Amp
Morning nauseanot pregnant fatigue,loss of appetite Gastroenterology. I have read every comment on this post, going back to the original one by trixb on January 3. I hope that she got some relief of her problems. I had similar problems, which have now largely disappeared. Im posting this in the hope that it may be of some help to others who have been having similar symptoms. What They Don&Amp' title='What They Don&Amp' />But some background first. Im a 5. 7 year old male dentist. Iceland is famous for its iconic sceneries and unique geographical phenomena. Here are 8 places in Iceland you will recognize from famous movies. San Andreas 2015 Pc Cracked Games there. Last seen 1 year 7 months ago Joined 09192012 1109 Representative Payee Typically, the SSA assigns a representative payee to individuals that they feel are not. What They Don&Amp' title='What They Don&Amp' />My symptoms were. Basically, upon waking in the morning I had an ache in my stomach. I got up and managed to have a shower. But by the end of the shower I felt very light head, like Im going to faint. As if theres not enough blood flow to the brain. My energy level seemed to disappear and I feel that my knees were going to buckle. I also felt nauseous, which varied from mild to moderate. At this point I had to lie down. I felt cold and shivery. I found myself taking rapid shallow breaths. I would feel a little better within ten minutes or so but extremely tired. I didnt want to get up again, but I did and continued getting ready. After a few minutes of getting ready I got the same sensation of light headiness. I lay down again and within about ten minutes felt better, although still extremely tired. Software Efek Gitar Untuk Pc'>Software Efek Gitar Untuk Pc. At this point there was no appetite, the thought of food made me nauseous. I first noticed this around September 2. In the beginning it was just once or twice a week, but not so severe. Since the beginning of January 2. However, at the beginning of February 2. So much so that I almost passed out at work and had to been driven home. I should mentions that apart from this condition I have no other medical issues. I would consider myself fairly fit and in fact completed the Tough Mudder Obstacle course one year ago. In the past 1. 0 years, I had only missed two days of work due to illness. Since these problems arose, I have missed 4 weeks of work and lost 2. I saw my physician, who referred to me to a neurologist and an internist. I went through all the tests that you could think of, including. Blood tests testing for everything imaginable. Abdominal ultrasound. Holter monitor 2. Ambulatory blood pressure monitor 2. Sleep apnoea monitor. Urine and stool tests. H. Pylori breath test. Nothing showed up. When that happens the only assumption is that it is psychological. However, I was convinced that this wasnt the case, as the symptoms were so real. Then I noticed that the symptoms seemed to get worse after eating certain foods, in particular wheat and dairy. I cut out both and within about a week I started to feel better. The nausea was still there but not so severe. After a further 3 weeks, the nausea had almost completely gone. At this point I went to an allergist who confirmed using a skin prick test that I had an. Despite all this, I wasnt convinced that all these symptoms could simple be due to wheat. Besides, I loved wheat, and even made my own bread. So, I went back to eating wheat. Within 2 days, the nausea and fatigue began to return. I stopped the wheat and after about a week the symptoms started to go away. That was enough to convince me. It has been 5 weeks since I stopped wheat for the second time and for the past 4 weeks have felt so much better. The nausea has gone and my energy levels are improving. If you are having similar problems, then that does not mean that its also due to wheat for you. You should see your physician and have all the tests that they recommend. Im not dispensing medical advice. Im just sharing my experience. However, if they arent able to give you a diagnosis, then you have nothing to lose by cutting out wheat for a few weeks and seeing what happens. While youre doing that you may also want to read Wheat Belly and perhaps Grain Brain. Both are written by medical specialists and can shed some light on why wheat may be causing these symptoms. I hope this helps. If it does, please let me know, as Id like to know just how many others have suffered because of this same food problem.